* @package Sales Pop up ‑ Social Proof
* @author CareCart
* @link https://apps.shopify.com/partners/care-cart
* @link https://carecart.io/
* @version 5.0.12
* Any unauthorized use and distribution of this and related files, is strictly forbidden.
* In case of any inquiries, please contact here: https://carecart.io/contact-us/
//Create the element using the createElement method.
var myDiv = document.createElement("ji");
//Set its class.
myDiv.className = 'doubleCheck';
//Finally, append the element to the HTML body
var doubleCheck = document.getElementsByClassName("doubleCheck");
var ndoubleCheck = doubleCheck.length;
if (ndoubleCheck == 2) {
throw new Error("DOUBLE APP JS");
function scriptInjection(src, callback) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = src;
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
script.addEventListener('load', callback);
scriptInjection("https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js", function () {
window.$jq321 = jQuery.noConflict(true);
//variable for impressionsID
let impressionsID = null;
let timeCountdownForImpression = 0;
var version = "5.0.3";
function notifyPopup($) {
//IE8 indexOf polyfill
var indexOf = [].indexOf || function (item) {
for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
if (i in this && this[i] === item) {
return i;
return -1;
var pluginName = "notify";
var pluginClassName = pluginName + "js";
var blankFieldName = pluginName + "!blank";
var positions = {
t: "top",
m: "middle",
b: "bottom",
l: "left",
c: "center",
r: "right"
var hAligns = ["l", "c", "r"];
var vAligns = ["t", "m", "b"];
var mainPositions = ["t", "b", "l", "r"];
var opposites = {
t: "b",
m: null,
b: "t",
l: "r",
c: null,
r: "l"
var parsePosition = function (str) {
var pos;
pos = [];
$.each(str.split(/\W+/), function (i, word) {
var w;
w = word.toLowerCase().charAt(0);
if (positions[w]) {
return pos.push(w);
return pos;
var styles = {};
var coreStyle = {
name: "core",
html: "
\n \n \n
css: "." + pluginClassName + "-corner {\n position: fixed;\n margin: 30px;\n z-index: 999999999999;\n }\n\n." + pluginClassName + "-corner ." + pluginClassName + "-wrapper,\n." + pluginClassName + "-corner ." + pluginClassName + "-container {\n position: relative;\n display: block;\n height: inherit;\n width: inherit;\n margin: 3px;\n }\n\n." + pluginClassName + "-wrapper {\n z-index: 1;\n position: absolute;\n display: inline-block;\n height: 0;\n width: 0;\n }\n\n." + pluginClassName + "-container {\n display: none;\n z-index: 1;\n position: absolute;\n }\n\n." + pluginClassName + "-hidable {\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n\n[data-notify-text],[data-notify-html] {\n position: relative;\n }\n\n." + pluginClassName + "-arrow {\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 2;\n width: 0;\n height: 0;\n }\n\n@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {\n ." + pluginClassName + "-corner {\n z-index: 999;\n }\n}"
var stylePrefixes = {
"border-radius": ["-webkit-", "-moz-"]
var getStyle = function (name) {
return styles[name];
var removeStyle = function (name) {
if (!name) {
throw "Missing Style name";
if (styles[name]) {
delete styles[name];
var addStyle = function (name, def) {
if (!name) {
throw "Missing Style name";
if (!def) {
throw "Missing Style definition";
if (!def.html) {
throw "Missing Style HTML";
//remove existing style
var existing = styles[name];
if (existing && existing.cssElem) {
if (window.console) {
console.warn(pluginName + ": overwriting style '" + name + "'");
def.name = name;
styles[name] = def;
var cssText = "";
if (def.classes) {
$.each(def.classes, function (className, props) {
cssText += "." + pluginClassName + "-" + def.name + "-" + className + " {\n";
$.each(props, function (name, val) {
if (stylePrefixes[name]) {
$.each(stylePrefixes[name], function (i, prefix) {
return cssText += " " + prefix + name + ": " + val + ";\n";
return cssText += " " + name + ": " + val + ";\n";
return cssText += "}\n";
if (def.css) {
cssText += "/* styles for " + def.name + " */\n" + def.css;
if (cssText) {
def.cssElem = insertCSS(cssText);
def.cssElem.attr("id", "notify-" + def.name);
var fields = {};
var elem = $(def.html);
findFields("html", elem, fields);
findFields("text", elem, fields);
def.fields = fields;
var insertCSS = function (cssText) {
var e, elem, error;
elem = createElem("style");
elem.attr("type", 'text/css');
try {
} catch (_) {
elem[0].styleSheet.cssText = cssText;
return elem;
var findFields = function (type, elem, fields) {
var attr;
if (type !== "html") {
type = "text";
attr = "data-notify-" + type;
return find(elem, "[" + attr + "]").each(function () {
var name;
name = $(this).attr(attr);
if (!name) {
name = blankFieldName;
fields[name] = type;
var find = function (elem, selector) {
if (elem.is(selector)) {
return elem;
} else {
return elem.find(selector);
var pluginOptions = {
clickToHide: true,
autoHide: true,
autoHideDelay: 5000,
arrowShow: true,
arrowSize: 5,
breakNewLines: true,
elementPosition: "bottom",
globalPosition: "top right",
style: "bootstrap",
className: "error",
showAnimation: "slideDown",
showDuration: 400,
hideAnimation: "slideUp",
hideDuration: 200,
gap: 5
var inherit = function (a, b) {
var F;
F = function () {
F.prototype = a;
return $.extend(true, new F(), b);
var defaults = function (opts) {
return $.extend(pluginOptions, opts);
var createElem = function (tag) {
return $("<" + tag + ">" + tag + ">");
var globalAnchors = {};
var getAnchorElement = function (element) {
var radios;
if (element.is('[type=radio]')) {
radios = element.parents('form:first').find('[type=radio]').filter(function (i, e) {
return $(e).attr("name") === element.attr("name");
element = radios.first();
return element;
var incr = function (obj, pos, val) {
var opp, temp;
if (typeof val === "string") {
val = parseInt(val, 10);
} else if (typeof val !== "number") {
if (isNaN(val)) {
opp = positions[opposites[pos.charAt(0)]];
temp = pos;
if (obj[opp] !== undefined) {
pos = positions[opp.charAt(0)];
val = -val;
if (obj[pos] === undefined) {
obj[pos] = val;
} else {
obj[pos] += val;
return null;
var realign = function (alignment, inner, outer) {
if (alignment === "l" || alignment === "t") {
return 0;
} else if (alignment === "c" || alignment === "m") {
return outer / 2 - inner / 2;
} else if (alignment === "r" || alignment === "b") {
return outer - inner;
throw "Invalid alignment";
var encode = function (text) {
encode.e = encode.e || createElem("div");
return encode.e.text(text).html();
function Notification(elem, data, options) {
if (typeof options === "string") {
options = {
className: options
this.options = inherit(pluginOptions, $.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {});
this.wrapper = $(coreStyle.html);
if (this.options.clickToHide) {
this.wrapper.addClass(pluginClassName + "-hidable");
this.wrapper.data(pluginClassName, this);
this.arrow = this.wrapper.find("." + pluginClassName + "-arrow");
this.container = this.wrapper.find("." + pluginClassName + "-container");
if (elem && elem.length) {
this.elementType = elem.attr("type");
this.originalElement = elem;
this.elem = getAnchorElement(elem);
this.elem.data(pluginClassName, this);
Notification.prototype.loadHTML = function () {
var style;
style = this.getStyle();
this.userContainer = $(style.html);
this.userFields = style.fields;
Notification.prototype.show = function (show, userCallback) {
var args, callback, elems, fn, hidden;
callback = (function (_this) {
return function () {
if (!show && !_this.elem) {
if (userCallback) {
return userCallback();
hidden = this.container.parent().parents(':hidden').length > 0;
elems = this.container.add(this.arrow);
args = [];
if (hidden && show) {
fn = "show";
} else if (hidden && !show) {
fn = "hide";
} else if (!hidden && show) {
fn = this.options.showAnimation;
} else if (!hidden && !show) {
fn = this.options.hideAnimation;
} else {
return callback();
return elems[fn].apply(elems, args);
Notification.prototype.setGlobalPosition = function () {
var p = this.getPosition();
var pMain = p[0];
var pAlign = p[1];
var main = positions[pMain];
var align = positions[pAlign];
var key = pMain + "|" + pAlign;
var anchor = globalAnchors[key];
if (!anchor || !document.body.contains(anchor[0])) {
anchor = globalAnchors[key] = createElem("div");
var css = {};
css[main] = 0;
if (align === "middle") {
css.top = '45%';
} else if (align === "center") {
css.left = '45%';
} else {
css[align] = 0;
anchor.css(css).addClass(pluginClassName + "-corner");
return anchor.prepend(this.wrapper);
Notification.prototype.setElementPosition = function () {
var arrowColor, arrowCss, arrowSize, color, contH, contW, css, elemH, elemIH, elemIW, elemPos, elemW,
gap, j, k, len, len1, mainFull, margin, opp, oppFull, pAlign, pArrow, pMain, pos, posFull, position,
ref, wrapPos;
position = this.getPosition();
pMain = position[0];
pAlign = position[1];
pArrow = position[2];
elemPos = this.elem.position();
elemH = this.elem.outerHeight();
elemW = this.elem.outerWidth();
elemIH = this.elem.innerHeight();
elemIW = this.elem.innerWidth();
wrapPos = this.wrapper.position();
contH = this.container.height();
contW = this.container.width();
mainFull = positions[pMain];
opp = opposites[pMain];
oppFull = positions[opp];
css = {};
css[oppFull] = pMain === "b" ? elemH : pMain === "r" ? elemW : 0;
incr(css, "top", elemPos.top - wrapPos.top);
incr(css, "left", elemPos.left - wrapPos.left);
ref = ["top", "left"];
for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {
pos = ref[j];
margin = parseInt(this.elem.css("margin-" + pos), 10);
if (margin) {
incr(css, pos, margin);
gap = Math.max(0, this.options.gap - (this.options.arrowShow ? arrowSize : 0));
incr(css, oppFull, gap);
if (!this.options.arrowShow) {
} else {
arrowSize = this.options.arrowSize;
arrowCss = $.extend({}, css);
arrowColor = this.userContainer.css("border-color") || this.userContainer.css("border-top-color") || this.userContainer.css("background-color") || "white";
for (k = 0, len1 = mainPositions.length; k < len1; k++) {
pos = mainPositions[k];
posFull = positions[pos];
if (pos === opp) {
color = posFull === mainFull ? arrowColor : "transparent";
arrowCss["border-" + posFull] = arrowSize + "px solid " + color;
incr(css, positions[opp], arrowSize);
if (indexOf.call(mainPositions, pAlign) >= 0) {
incr(arrowCss, positions[pAlign], arrowSize * 2);
if (indexOf.call(vAligns, pMain) >= 0) {
incr(css, "left", realign(pAlign, contW, elemW));
if (arrowCss) {
incr(arrowCss, "left", realign(pAlign, arrowSize, elemIW));
} else if (indexOf.call(hAligns, pMain) >= 0) {
incr(css, "top", realign(pAlign, contH, elemH));
if (arrowCss) {
incr(arrowCss, "top", realign(pAlign, arrowSize, elemIH));
if (this.container.is(":visible")) {
css.display = "block";
if (arrowCss) {
return this.arrow.removeAttr("style").css(arrowCss);
Notification.prototype.getPosition = function () {
var pos, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, text;
text = this.options.position || (this.elem ? this.options.elementPosition : this.options.globalPosition);
pos = parsePosition(text);
if (pos.length === 0) {
pos[0] = "b";
if (ref = pos[0], indexOf.call(mainPositions, ref) < 0) {
throw "Must be one of [" + mainPositions + "]";
if (pos.length === 1 || ((ref1 = pos[0], indexOf.call(vAligns, ref1) >= 0) && (ref2 = pos[1], indexOf.call(hAligns, ref2) < 0)) || ((ref3 = pos[0], indexOf.call(hAligns, ref3) >= 0) && (ref4 = pos[1], indexOf.call(vAligns, ref4) < 0))) {
pos[1] = (ref5 = pos[0], indexOf.call(hAligns, ref5) >= 0) ? "m" : "l";
if (pos.length === 2) {
pos[2] = pos[1];
return pos;
Notification.prototype.getStyle = function (name) {
var style;
if (!name) {
name = this.options.style;
if (!name) {
name = "default";
style = styles[name];
if (!style) {
throw "Missing style: " + name;
return style;
Notification.prototype.updateClasses = function () {
var classes, style;
classes = ["base"];
if ($.isArray(this.options.className)) {
classes = classes.concat(this.options.className);
} else if (this.options.className) {
style = this.getStyle();
classes = $.map(classes, function (n) {
return pluginClassName + "-" + style.name + "-" + n;
}).join(" ");
return this.userContainer.attr("class", classes);
Notification.prototype.run = function (data, options) {
var d, datas, name, type, value;
if ($.isPlainObject(options)) {
$.extend(this.options, options);
} else if ($.type(options) === "string") {
this.options.className = options;
if (this.container && !data) {
} else if (!this.container && !data) {
datas = {};
if ($.isPlainObject(data)) {
datas = data;
} else {
datas[blankFieldName] = data;
for (name in datas) {
d = datas[name];
type = this.userFields[name];
if (!type) {
if (type === "text") {
d = encode(d);
if (this.options.breakNewLines) {
d = d.replace(/\n/g, ' ');
value = name === blankFieldName ? '' : '=' + name;
find(this.userContainer, "[data-notify-" + type + value + "]").html(d);
if (this.elem) {
} else {
if (this.options.autoHide) {
this.autohideTimer = setTimeout(this.show.bind(this, false), this.options.autoHideDelay);
Notification.prototype.destroy = function () {
this.wrapper.data(pluginClassName, null);
$[pluginName] = function (elem, data, options) {
if ((elem && elem.nodeName) || elem.jquery) {
$(elem)[pluginName](data, options);
} else {
options = data;
data = elem;
new Notification(null, data, options);
return elem;
$.fn[pluginName] = function (data, options) {
$(this).each(function () {
var prev = getAnchorElement($(this)).data(pluginClassName);
if (prev) {
var curr = new Notification($(this), data, options);
return this;
$.extend($[pluginName], {
defaults: defaults,
addStyle: addStyle,
removeStyle: removeStyle,
pluginOptions: pluginOptions,
getStyle: getStyle,
insertCSS: insertCSS
//always include the default bootstrap style
addStyle("bootstrap", {
html: "
classes: {
base: {
"font-weight": "bold",
"padding": "8px 15px 8px 14px",
"text-shadow": "0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",
"background-color": "#fcf8e3",
"border": "1px solid #fbeed5",
"border-radius": "4px",
"white-space": "nowrap",
"padding-left": "25px",
"background-repeat": "no-repeat",
"background-position": "3px 7px"
error: {
"color": "#B94A48",
"background-color": "#F2DEDE",
"border-color": "#EED3D7",
"background-image": "url()"
success: {
"color": "#468847",
"background-color": "#DFF0D8",
"border-color": "#D6E9C6",
"background-image": "url()"
info: {
"color": "#3A87AD",
"background-color": "#D9EDF7",
"border-color": "#BCE8F1",
"background-image": "url()"
warn: {
"color": "#C09853",
"background-color": "#FCF8E3",
"border-color": "#FBEED5",
"background-image": "url()"
$(function () {
insertCSS(coreStyle.css).attr("id", "core-notify");
$(document).on("click", "." + pluginClassName + "-hidable", function (e) {
$(document).on("notify-hide", "." + pluginClassName + "-wrapper", function (e) {
var elem = $(this).data(pluginClassName);
if (elem) {
// Check For desktop/Mobile
(function (a) {
($jq321.browser = $jq321.browser || {}).mobile = /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i.test(a) || /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0, 4))
})(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera);
var salespoplib_active_url = window.location.hostname;
salespoplib_active_url += (window.location.pathname.substr(-1) !== "/") ? window.location.pathname : window.location.pathname.substr(0, window.location.pathname.length - 1);
function getServerUrls() {
// Finding the URL of this library among all the script tags
var allScripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
allScripts = Array.prototype.slice.call(allScripts);
var thisLibUrl = "";
allScripts.forEach(function (script) {
if (script.src && script.src.indexOf('lib/salesnotifier') !== -1) {
thisLibUrl = script.src;
// return with production URLs
if (thisLibUrl === "") {
return {
"backend": "https://tracking-sales-pop.carecart.io/index.php/FrontController/",
"css": "https://sales-pop.carecart.io/public/front_assets/new-ui/css/notif-box.css",
"cssStock": "https://sales-pop.carecart.io/lib/stock-box.css",
"cssTimer": "https://sales-pop.carecart.io/lib/timer-box.css",
"cssVisitor": "https://sales-pop.carecart.io/lib/visitor-box.css",
"cssSold": "https://sales-pop.carecart.io/lib/sold-box.css",
"cssQuick": "https://sales-pop.carecart.io/lib/quick-box.css",
"cssTrustBadges": "https://sales-pop.carecart.io/lib/badges-box.css",
"cssAnnouncement": "https://sales-pop.carecart.io/lib/announcement.css",
"legacyCss": "https://sales-pop.carecart.io/lib/salesnotifier.css",
"cssShareCart": "https://sales-pop.carecart.io/lib/sales-pop-share-cart.css",
"cssStickyCart": "https://sales-pop.carecart.io/lib/sales-pop-sticky-cart.css"
var tempAnchorTag = document.createElement('a');
tempAnchorTag.href = thisLibUrl;
tempAnchorTag.hostname = 'sales-pop.carecart.io';
var backend = "https://" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/index.php/FrontController/";
backend = "https://tracking-" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/index.php/FrontController/";
impressionURL = "https://tracking-" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/index.php/ImpressionsCount/";
return {
"backend": backend,
"impressionURL": impressionURL,
"css": "https://" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/public/front_assets/new-ui/css/notif-box.css?v" + version,
"cssStock": "https://" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/lib/stock-box.css?v" + version,
"cssTimer": "https://" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/lib/timer-box.css?v" + version,
"cssVisitor": "https://" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/lib/visitor-box.css?v" + version,
"cssSold": "https://" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/lib/sold-box.css?v" + version,
"cssQuick": "https://" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/lib/quick-box.css?v" + version,
"cssTrustBadges": "https://" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/lib/badges-box.css?v" + version,
"cssAnnouncement": "https://" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/lib/announcement.css?v" + version,
"legacyCss": "https://" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/lib/salesnotifier.css",
"cssShareCart": "https://" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/lib/sales-pop-share-cart.css?v" + version,
"cssStickyCart": "https://" + tempAnchorTag.hostname + "/lib/sales-pop-sticky-cart.css?v=" + version
var serverUrl = getServerUrls();
function salesPopDebugger() {
var spDebugger = {
log: [],
storeLog: function (logMsg) {
getLog: function () {
return this.log;
printLog: function () {
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SP DEBUGGER STARTS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
Array.prototype.forEach.call(this.log, function (entry) {
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SP DEBUGGER ENDS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
return spDebugger;
window.spDebuger = salesPopDebugger();
window.printLog = function () {
// @todo cleanup unused extra properties
var salespoplib_vars_obj = {
is_again: false,
is_takeover_again: false,
exit_limit: 1,
exit_takeover_limit: 1,
restore_time: 0,
restore_takeover_time: 0,
is_triggered: false,
is_takeover_triggered: false,
last_exit: null,
last_takeover_exit: null,
exit_count: 0,
exit_takeover_count: 0,
mouse_lower_limit: -50,
mouse_upper_limit: 0,
active_url: salespoplib_active_url,
modal_id: "salesPopup",
modal_response_html: "",
is_allowed: false,
backend_url: serverUrl.backend,
do_fire: true,
do_takeover_fire: true,
aw_list: '',
thank_you_url: '',
convert_url: '',
span: '',
takeover_span: '',
frequency: '',
takeoverFrequency: '',
popup_type: 0,
triggered_count: 0,
debugBB: 0,
checkDevice: '',
conversionformSubmitted: false,
impressionURL: (typeof impressionURL !== 'undefined' && typeof impressionURL !== null) ? impressionURL : "https://tracking-sales-pop.carecart.io/index.php/ImpressionsCount/"
//impressionURL: impressionURL
* Expected API Response
* @type {{max_noti: number, first_noti_delay: number, do_restrict: number, string: string, allCollectionsWithProducts: [], allProductsWithCollections: [], show_relevant: number, allNotifications: [], display_time: number, nextPopup: number, desktop_position: string}}
var apiResponse = {
string: "",
max_noti: 0,
nextPopup: 0,
first_noti_delay: 0,
show_relevant: 0,
do_restrict: 0,
display_time: 0,
isLegacyStore: 0,
desktop_position: "bottom left",
allNotifications: [],
allCollectionsWithProducts: [],
allProductsWithCollections: [],
restrictionSettings: []
/* Check if Mobile */
if ($jq321.browser.mobile) {
salespoplib_vars_obj.checkDevice = 'mobile';
} else {
salespoplib_vars_obj.checkDevice = 'desktop';
var store_domain_grabber = window.location.hostname;
//Check Browser
navigator.sayswho = (function () {
var ua = navigator.userAgent, tem,
M = ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || [];
if (/trident/i.test(M[1])) {
tem = /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(ua) || [];
return 'IE ' + (tem[1] || '');
if (M[1] === 'Chrome') {
tem = ua.match(/\b(OPR|Edge)\/(\d+)/);
if (tem != null) return tem.slice(1).join(' ').replace('OPR', 'Opera');
M = M[2] ? [M[1], M[2]] : [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, '-?'];
if ((tem = ua.match(/version\/(\d+)/i)) != null) M.splice(1, 1, tem[1]);
return M.join(' ');
Array.prototype.filterRelevantNotifications = function (a) {
return this.filter(function (i) {
return a.indexOf(i) === -1;
var getNotificationsByCollectionHandles = function (collectionHandles) {
spDebuger.storeLog("getNotificationsByCollectionHandles called");
var relevantProductHandles = getProductHandlesByCollectionHandles(collectionHandles);
spDebuger.storeLog("relevantProductHandles count: " + relevantProductHandles.length);
// if the product handle is not found
// or the product doesn't belong to any collection
// then return all notifications
if (relevantProductHandles == null || relevantProductHandles.length === 0) {
spDebuger.storeLog("No relevant product found for this collection: " + collectionHandles);
return apiResponse.allNotifications;
var relevantNotifications = [];
Array.prototype.forEach.call(apiResponse.allNotifications, function (notification) {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(relevantProductHandles, function (product) {
if (notification.product == product) {
spDebuger.storeLog("relevantNotifications count: " + relevantNotifications.length);
if (relevantNotifications == null || relevantNotifications.length === 0) {
return apiResponse.allNotifications;
return relevantNotifications;
var getNotificationsByProduct = function (currentProductHandle) {
spDebuger.storeLog("getNotificationsByProduct called");
spDebuger.storeLog("currentProductHandle: " + currentProductHandle);
var collectionHandles = getCollectionHandlesByProductHandle(currentProductHandle);
// if the product handle is not found
// or the product doesn't belong to any collection
// then show all Notifications
if (collectionHandles == null || collectionHandles.length === 0) {
return apiResponse.allNotifications;
var notificationsByCollectionHandles = getNotificationsByCollectionHandles(collectionHandles);
spDebuger.storeLog("notificationsByCollectionHandles count: " + notificationsByCollectionHandles.length);
return notificationsByCollectionHandles;
var getNotificationsByCollection = function (collectionHandle) {
spDebuger.storeLog("getNotificationsByCollection called.");
if (collectionHandle === "all") {
return apiResponse.allNotifications;
return getNotificationsByCollectionHandles(collectionHandle);
var getProductHandlesByCollectionHandles = function (collectionHandles) {
spDebuger.storeLog("getProductHandlesByCollectionHandles called.");
var collectionHandleArray = collectionHandles.split(",");
var relevantProducts = [];
Array.prototype.forEach.call(apiResponse.allCollectionsWithProducts, function (collection) {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(collectionHandleArray, function (handle) {
if (collection.collection === handle) {
relevantProducts = relevantProducts.concat(collection.products.split(","));
spDebuger.storeLog("relevantProducts count: " + relevantProducts.length);
if (relevantProducts.length === 0) {
return [];
var uniqueRelevantProducts = getUniqueProducts(relevantProducts);
spDebuger.storeLog("uniqueRelevantProducts count: " + uniqueRelevantProducts.length);
return uniqueRelevantProducts;
var getUniqueProducts = function (products) {
return products.filter(function (item, index) {
return products.indexOf(item) >= index;
var getRelevantNotifications = function () {
spDebuger.storeLog("getRelevantNotifications called");
// if it's a homepage then return with all
if (window.location.pathname === "/") {
spDebuger.storeLog("It's a homepage, so all notifications will run");
return apiResponse.allNotifications
var pathNameTokens = window.location.pathname.split("/");
var filteredNotifications = [];
switch (pathNameTokens[1]) {
case "products":
filteredNotifications = getNotificationsByProduct(pathNameTokens[2]);
case "collections":
filteredNotifications = getNotificationsByCollection(pathNameTokens[2]);
filteredNotifications = apiResponse.allNotifications;
spDebuger.storeLog("filteredNotifications Count: " + filteredNotifications.length);
spDebuger.storeLog("filteredNotifications: ");
return filteredNotifications;
var getCollectionHandlesByProductHandle = function (currentProductHandle) {
spDebuger.storeLog("getCollectionHandlesByProductHandle called");
var collectionHandles = "";
Array.prototype.forEach.call(apiResponse.allProductsWithCollections, function (obj) {
if (obj.product === currentProductHandle) {
collectionHandles = obj.collections;
spDebuger.storeLog("collectionHandles: " + collectionHandles);
return collectionHandles;
* @todo this function needs to be cleaned up.
* @returns {boolean}
var isNotificationAllowedOnCurrentPage = function (customPagesData) {
spDebuger.storeLog("isNotificationAllowedOnCurrentPage called.");
// @todo what to do in this case
if (apiResponse.restrictionSettings.length === 0) {
spDebuger.storeLog("No product, collection or static pag(e) selected");
return true;
var currentPageUrl = window.location.href;
var currentPageHandle = window.location.pathname;
var is_notification_allowed = false;
var entryFound = false;
var currentPageType = "";
// If not then do further processing to get the current page handle
currentPageHandle = window.location.pathname.split("/");
if (($jq321.inArray("products", currentPageHandle) != -1) && ($jq321.inArray("collections", currentPageHandle) != -1)) {
var currentPageTypec = currentPageHandle[1];
var currentPageTypep = currentPageHandle[3];
var currentPageHandlec = currentPageHandle[2];
var currentPageHandlep = currentPageHandle[4];
else if ($jq321.inArray("products", currentPageHandle) != -1) {
currentPageType = "products";
currentPageHandle = currentPageHandle.pop();
else if ($jq321.inArray("all", currentPageHandle) != -1) {
console.log("collections all in array");
else if ($jq321.inArray("collections", currentPageHandle) != -1) {
currentPageType = "collections";
currentPageHandle = currentPageHandle.pop();
else {
console.log("products and collections NOT in array");
if ("products" === currentPageTypep && "collections" === currentPageTypec) {
// Two things can happen here:
// a. Check by product
// b. Check by collection
// a. Checking by Product
Array.prototype.forEach.call(apiResponse.restrictionSettings, function (page) {
if ((page.product_id == null && page.collection_id != null) && !entryFound) {
if (page.handle === currentPageHandlec) {
is_notification_allowed = entryFound = true;
else if (page.product_id == null && page.collection_id == null && page.handle == currentPageUrl) {
is_notification_allowed = entryFound = true;
if (entryFound === true) {
return true;
// b. Check by Collection
Array.prototype.forEach.call(apiResponse.restrictionSettings, function (page) {
if ((page.product_id != null && page.collection_id == null) && !entryFound) {
if (page.handle === currentPageHandlep) {
is_notification_allowed = entryFound = true;
else if ("products" === currentPageType) {
// Two things can happen here:
// a. Check by product
// b. Check by collection
// a. Checking by Product
Array.prototype.forEach.call(apiResponse.restrictionSettings, function (page) {
if ((page.product_id != null && page.collection_id == null) && !entryFound) {
if (page.handle === currentPageHandle) {
is_notification_allowed = entryFound = true;
else if (page.product_id == null && page.collection_id == null && page.handle == currentPageUrl) {
is_notification_allowed = entryFound = true;
if (entryFound === true) {
return true;
// b. Check by Collection
Array.prototype.forEach.call(apiResponse.restrictionProducts, function (obj) {
if (obj.handle === currentPageHandle) {
is_notification_allowed = entryFound = true;
else if ("collections" === currentPageType) {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(apiResponse.restrictionSettings, function (page) {
if ((page.product_id == null && page.collection_id != null) && !entryFound) {
if (page.handle === currentPageHandle) {
is_notification_allowed = entryFound = true;
else if (page.product_id == null && page.collection_id == null && page.handle == currentPageUrl) {
is_notification_allowed = entryFound = true;
else {
if (parseInt(customPagesData) === 1) {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(apiResponse.restrictionSettings, function (page) {
if (page.handle == currentPageUrl) {
is_notification_allowed = entryFound = true;
else if (page.handle + '/' == currentPageUrl) {
is_notification_allowed = entryFound = true;
return is_notification_allowed;
var shouldStatsBeShown = function () {
return (typeof URLSearchParams === "undefined") ? false : (new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)).has('show-sp-config');
var printConfigForNerds = function () {
var statsHtml = "
::Sales Popup Configuration::";
Array.prototype.forEach.call(Object.keys(apiResponse), function (key) {
if ($jq321.inArray(key, ["allCollectionsWithProducts", "allNotifications", "allProductsWithCollections", "restrictionSettings"]) === -1) {
statsHtml += "